About the Author

If you asked Yolanda “Yanni “ ( Blogger and Relationship Educator) Brown, "Whats love got to do with it?" she would answer without hesitation, "Everything". As an author, CEO and Founder of Making Love Better TwoGether, this Certified Relationship Educator and romance aficionado has made the celebration of LOVE her business.
For over a decade the ChiCity born and raised Piscean (this explains her penchant for all things love related) has specialized in helping couples fall in love over and over again. Yanni realizes that it is easy to fall in love but it is sometimes challenging to stay there. With her experience and expertise in relationship education she knows that some amazing things can come from love.
Yanni created “Making Love Better TwoGether” to empower and inspire relationships. She believes that if people are able to uplift and build each other, healthy relationships and marriages will be created as well.
About the Book
Making Love Better Begins Within
Making Love Better Begins Within Summary
Making Love Better Begins Within The debut title from relationship expert Yolanda "Yanni" Brown tells of her struggles and triumphs on her path to finding happiness. The story is a witty yet honest evaluation as the author pulls no punches in revealing her own missteps and how she rebounded from them. "Making Love Better Begins Within" serves as a guide toward breaking the cycle of unhealthy relationships. A must read for those trying to find their way out of the wilderness of broken relationships.