About the Author

Willow James is a theatre artist and photographer from the Chicagoland area, who works to instill his passion for kindness and celebrating blackness into his work. He is currently the resident sound designer at Artemisia Theatre and co-produces their We Women Podcast. He also co-produces/hosts a podcast called "That's What We Read: A Bookcast," and is proudly represented by Chicago Talent Network.
Author's Book
Lessons For the Little Boy Summary
What does it mean to be a man? For many, that definition and description may vary.
Lessons For the Little Boy presents the stories of 13 amazing men ranging in age from 23-66. They share their transparent stories of dreams, hopes, struggles and successes. Through their personal reflections you will experience their journey in life, love, business, friendship, family, and fatherhood.
We invite you to journey with these men, embracing the lessons they have learned on their paths to, from and through manhood.
Their stories are not just just for men and young men, but for anyone who desires to seek to learn life lessons through the eyes of men.