About the Author

C. Lynn Williams is a compassionate, intelligent woman with a gift of easy dialogue, inherited from her mother. She's a mother at heart and has an uncanny sense of knowing when something is right or wrong. Her gift of unconditional love, and her extreme understanding of others, has earned her the title of MsParentguru.
Her experiences with adults and children, (her own included) have led her to write a series of parenting books to allow parents and kids to successfully dialogue with each other. She believes children should be heard, but "let's teach our children how to dialogue and communicate responsibly".
While Ms. Williams has had many opportunities to teach, both in educational and corporate environments, her passion is helping parents and teens build enjoyable, fulfilling relationships with each other. As an author, wife and mother of four adult children, she is active in her church and community. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration, having attended Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to writing, she is an avid reader, mentor of young women, health enthusiast, and educator. When she needs to get away, music is her muse.
C. Lynn Williams enjoys speaking about parenting and is available for book signings, parent workshops and speaking engagements.
About the Books
Trying to Stay Sane While Raising Your Teen
Trying to Stay Sane While Raising Your Teen Summary
Have you often wished that you could stop the madness in your household with the temper tantrums that your son or daughter is having? Read "Trying to Stay Sane While Raising Your Teen" for practical, down-to-earth parenting tips.
Parenting teens includes many challenges as well as joys. A focus should be on the positive side of parenting teens. This focus will help the parent to feel more competent and actually be able to enjoy their teen and the ups and downs they face. Sometimes parents tend to over emphasize the negatives and annoyances of parenting their teens. This book will help you get along with your children as you guide them in the godly path for living.
Raising Your Daughter Through the Joys, Tears and HORMONES!
Raising Your Daughters Summary
Raising Your Daughter Through the Joys, Tears and HORMONES takes refreshing honest look at parenting a daughter. This book includes helpful advice on how to improve communication and raise self-esteem. This roadmap for self-discovery will benefit not only caregivers who are raising daughters, but also those who do not have children, but have been daughters themselves. Even men who find themselves asking why some women are the way they are or are puzzled by how women think will benefit from reading Raising Your Daughter Through the Joys, Tears & HORMONES!
Yours and Mine: A Winning Blended Family Formula
Yours and Mine Summary
This practical guide navigates the issues of raising children from a previous relationship to build a new cohesive and happy family. C. Lynn Williams shares her successes as a step-parent with straightforward insights to lay out a winning formula for blended families. From dating after divorce to building new family strategies after remarriage this resource will encourage, guide, and support mothers and fathers through the sometimes rough terrain of blending yours and mine into ours. This recipe for success includes a study-guide with each chapter and a means to connect to other stepparents through C. Lynn Williams' social networks. "Yours & Mine: A Winning Blended Family Formula" is a helpful resource for newly divorced and newly married parents who want to create a happy blended family.