About the Author

Marci is a highly-sought after professional speaker, published author and advocate for women. With nearly 30 years of corporate leadership experience in Operations and Executive Management Marci has a passion for service and helping others reach their maximum potential. In 2016 Marci stepped away from Corporate America to pursue her entrepreneurial passions. She is the mother of two daughters, and currently resides in Chandler, Az.
Through her books, blogs, keynote addresses, workshops and private coaching Marci is fueled to instill a #RedBottomAttitude in women around the globe. She provides her diverse audience with bankable success strategies they can implement to develop courage, class and confidence. With every interaction with Marci you are guaranteed to get the real, the raw and the authentic Marz. She utilizes the transparency of her personal truths to promote thought provoking dialogue and stimulate healing and personal development. She removes the mask from taboo topics such as self-esteem repair, boundary setting and domestic violence education. Her teachings cross socioeconomic and racial boundaries to connect multi-cultural audiences spanning all seven continents. Marci believes wholeheartedly that NO WOMAN should ever have to feel “less than” ever again. She is committed to doing her part to make that a reality.
She is also the Founding President of the BRaaV Foundation which provides companies with the tools, training and education necessary to develop a proactive corporate protocol for response and reporting of incidences domestic violence experienced by their employees. Through her Foundation, she strives to Make the Workplace a Safe Space. As a survivor herself, she knows change starts with a conversation and she is dedicated to being that Change Agent.
Through her developmental youth programs Marci is committed to being a change agent and advocate for the personal development of youth as well. Infusing them with knowledge, self-esteem and the financial literacy tools to grow, develop and prosper. “I Am Athena Rising” is a self-discovery program designed specifically for young ladies ages 10-18. Set for Success is an age appropriate financial literacy platform for students grades K -12.
About the Books
Love Miscarriage: Recovering the Broken Pieces of Your Heart When Love Dies Too Soon
Love Miscarriage: Healing by Design
Love Miscarriage: Healing by Design Summary
Healing by Design is a companion thought guide intended to accompany the book, Love Miscarriage. This healing guide may be used to motivate you to take a deeper dive into not only Jenna and Tony, but your own thoughts and fears. Healing by Design provides a road map for your journey to connect with and dissect your own feelings and beliefs as they relate to relationships, love, loss, heartbreak, healing, trust, self-esteem and social media. This thought guide is also a great tool to use as a catalyst to stimulate thought provoking discussions for book clubs and social groups.
The Power of Fifty- 50 Life Lessons to Becoming Your Best Self
The Power of Fifty Summary
Her newest book, The Power of Fifty- 50 Life Lessons to Becoming Your Best Self debuted as the #1 New Release on Amazon and quickly climbed up the best seller list. It is a compilation of 50 short stories, co-authored with seven other women who are all 50+ and committed to sharing their life lessons with the next generation. It is designed to help women gain clarity and overcome obstacles that have been preventing them from becoming the best version of themselves. The Power of 50 is a compilation of short stories, sharing the life lessons that have been harvested by a powerful group of women who are 50+ and who are willing to share their truths to help EDUCATE, EMPOWER AND ENCOURAGE other women around the world. Inside you will find moving testimonials of healing, inspiration, and accomplishment. These women and their stories are examples of tenacity it takes to go after your dreams no matter what obstacles face you.